Katrina - 1 Year Later
35 images Created 9 Jan 2010
These are my photographs taken almost 1 year after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans. I still can not believe the devastation - approximately two-thirds of the city looked like a graveyard with much of the city still looking like the skeletal remains of what were once people's homes and the lives they left behind. I couldn't stop thinking about all the lives that were displaced - where were all these people? It was all so perplexing and dumbfounding... I felt compelled to go inside homes to document anything left behind, and the more I photographed, the more I just couldn't believe how something like this could ever have happened. Some homes looked as though no one had ever returned while other homes were gutted like fish and left empty. Everything was covered in a depressing kind of grayness from the sludge and muck that reminded me of the photos I'd once seen of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster. Walls and surfaces still scab-covered layers of mold. It didn't matter what you had seen on TV, in magazines or newspapers - because nothing could compare to seeing all of this in real life. I'm still documenting these homes and the lives this disaster left behind.